CodeForBC is a space for everyone.

Our Commitment

CodeForBC is a volunteer-driven organization committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of British Columbia. We aim to create a positive impact and contribute to our community's growth and development through technology, collaboration, and innovation. Below is the full text of the CodeForBC Code of Conduct. For any questions or clarifications regarding this Code of Conduct, please feel free to reach out

Code of Conduct

In all CodeForBC activities, events, and digital forums, we expect participants to:

  1. Foster a Safe and Respectful Environment: We are committed to creating a space where every participant feels safe, respected, and free to express their identity without fear of discrimination or harassment.

  2. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion: We value diverse ideas, skills, and contributions, encouraging participation from everyone, especially those traditionally marginalized in tech and civic processes.

  3. Promote Positive Interaction: We advocate for inclusive language, a "yes/and" approach in discussions, and encourage listening and balanced participation.

  4. Support Community Collaboration: Our focus is on building open and freely available tools for public use, with an emphasis on public benefit rather than private gain.

  5. Encourage Active Participation: We welcome participants from all backgrounds and skill levels, fostering an environment of questions, mentorship, and knowledge sharing.

  6. Maintain Professional and Ethical Standards: We ensure respectful and participatory interactions within our community and with our partners

Anti-Harassment Policy

CodeForBC is committed to a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of identity. We do not tolerate harassment in any form, including but not limited to:

Reporting and Enforcement

Participants exhibiting harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately upon request to stop. CodeForBC organizers may take actions like warning or expulsion from events and forums.

In Case of Harassment:

  • In emergencies, call 911 or remove yourself from the situation.

  • Contact CodeForBC leadership at

Reporting Template for Anti-Harassment

Subject: Harassment Report at [EVENT NAME]


I am reporting an issue of harassment at CodeForBC, [EVENT NAME, LOCATION, DATE]. My contact information is [CONTACT INFO]. Thank you for addressing this matter.

CodeForBC values each member and believes in a community where everyone can contribute in a safe, respectful, and harassment-free environment. These guidelines reflect our commitment to these values and our dedication to upholding them in all our endeavors.