Our Projects

CodeForBC Website

CodeForBC is a volunteer-driven organization that brings together technologists, designers, data analysts, and community members to work on projects that address civic and social challenges in BC using technology and innovation. They host hackathons, workshops, and events where participants collaborate to create solutions for local issues.



Homes for All - Alleviating BC Housing Shortages

Illegal short-term rental listings are contributing to housing shortage in BC. This initiative focuses on identifying and flagging unauthorized short-term rental listings that contravene British Columbia's rental regulations. This project targets non-compliant accommodations to mitigate their impact on local housing, ensuring residential use aligns with provincial policies and supports community stability and availability for long-term residents.



Have an idea to improve community or civic life in BC?

We want to hear it!

Propose A Project

Our Mission

At CodeForBC, our mission is to bring together individuals passionate about technology, civic engagement, and community development to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by our province.

Frequently Asked Questions

At CodeForBC, we're a mix of seasoned pros and eager learners, all excited about trying new stuff. Feel free to use your know-how to speed things up and help the team, but remember, we're all about diving into new things here. If you're picking up a new role, just a heads up: you might need to put in some extra time on your own to get the hang of it and get your tasks done.

This varies based on the role you're in. It could range from as little as 3 hours per week to a maximum of 10 hours. You'll get all the specifics during the onboarding session.

We primarily use Discord, GitHub, and Figma for our work. Depending on the team and project you're involved with, there might be additional tools in use. Be sure to check with the specific project and roles you're interested in for confirmation.

You're welcome to join multiple projects if you can manage the time commitment. However, most of our members find they prefer to concentrate on just one project.

We're always open to extra help on our projects, no matter what skills you bring to the table. If you're willing to dedicate some time, check out our project page to see where you can lend a hand.

Still have questions in mind?

Send us an email at codeforbc@gmail.com, and our team will be happy to assist you.